Shower tiling: all technical requirements must be met (P2)

Common mistakes in shower tiling can cost you a fortune to fix.
— Cozy Tiling

In the previous article, we listed six common technical requirements ignored by homeowners, leading to the bathroom leakage.

We will continue listing four more common mistakes in shower tiling. All these have been noted down from Cozy Tiling’s real experiences when fixing the shower leakage issues.

1.     Using old tiles

We were very confused when a homeowner asked us to reuse the old tiles, which were just removed…

As you could imagine, the back of tiles and all the edges were extremely bumpy with the old adhesive. Not to mention that, these old tiles were chipped. Leakage is the picture you could figure out if you install these used tiles.

No, we cannot do it! This is our response to the client. Our tiler then explained to him the reasons.

You could save a bit. But the costs you pay later for fixing the issues caused old tiles are huge.

2.     Grout applied to movement joints, instead of sealant

This mistake is done by cowboy tilers. When the grout is applied in these positions which require “flexibility and elasticity”, it will then easily be cracked or broken.

3.     Improper surface preparation

It seems tilers at Cozy Tiling are considered too “fussy” to our partners. Removing dirt, debris and small old sealant marks is a necessary condition for Cozy Tiling tilers to work on. The surface needs to be smooth and level to ensure tiles installed, meeting technical standards.

If you fail to do this at the start, laying tiles evenly is tricky and takes time. Moreover, cracked tiles seen after being in use can be caused by the uneven surface.

4.     Improper adhesive texture and spreading

Mixing adhesive seems to be easy as pie. But.. uh hum.. it is not when it requires a perfect texture, which cannot be too dry (hard to do its function) or too wet (hard for the tiler to work with and a lot of time to become dry up.)

Besides, spreading the adhesive is a technique should be met to ensure the tiles are laid evenly.

A simple solution: you could seek a trusted tiler who could put your trust on.

Contact Cozy Tiling when you would like to tell your stories and ask us some advice or realise your tiling projects.


Mistakes in shower base


Bathroom tiling: all technical requirements must be met