Mistakes in shower base
“If your shower base fails, you are in big trouble.”
1. Applying improper waterproofing layer
When the thickness of the waterproofing is inadequate, cracks (your eyes may not detect them) will appear, or the waterproofing is insufficient to prevent water absorption.
But they will act as "tiny bags of water" and cause "tiny water streams" silently run through your house.
2. Miscalculating the amount of slope for the drain
Calculating the proper slope for the drain ensures the water runs to the drain efficiently to prevent water pooling. However, this slope needs to be less than enough to avoid the user feeling like he is standing on an uneven floor or going into a little hole.
The water will not drain properly without the proper slope on the shower base. Standing water is a recipe for growing leakage.
3. Breaching the waterproofing layer
When a waterproofing area is created, keep it dry between 24-48 hours and avoid breaching (nailing, screwing, etc..) it while tiling a shower.
4. Selecting the wrong tiles for the shower
Do you notice that wall tiles should not be used as floor tiles, especially in the shower, as these two are rated differently and should not be swapped?
For example, for the Coefficient of Friction (CoF) rating, floor tiles must contain an amount of friction to be safe to walk on. In contrast, the friction requirement is not for wall tiles, so that they can be as gloss and smooth as glass.
5. Bad grouting
If you use lousy grout, you will experience leaks or falling tiles. Epoxy grout is a popular water-resistant grout that works as a sealing adhesive. It functions perfectly in wet areas because of its durability and bonding power.
Cozy Tiling always recommends clients use epoxy grout for their showers.
Besides, applying grout requires high skills as faulty grouting, and sealant application can present several problems after installation, especially cracks or breaks.